Giant Step Publication Launch

Tuesday 3 March, 6.00pm

Flat Time House presents the launch of Giant Step, with contributions by Dave Beech, Claire Louise Staunton, Vlad Morariu, Michele Horrigan and Rachel Pafe.

Giant Step was a project running from 2011– 2012 that has its theoretical roots in the historical legacy of institutional critique. With partners in Italy (Vessel), Poland (Galeria Labirynt), the Netherlands (Van Abbemuseum) and the UK (Mostyn), the project aimed to explore the function and the place of the cultural institution within contemporary art and society. The project began with a series of short workshops and meetings that led to curatorial seminars and symposia.

The Giant Step Publication launch at Flat Time House aims to reflect on the legacy and viability of this project three years later, coinciding with the publication of a book of essays including insights by Charles Esche, Maria Lind, Alfrdo Cramerroti, Dave Beech and Nina Möntman as well as illustrations by Dan Perjovschi. Past participants Dave Beech, Claire Louise Staunton, Vlad Morariu, Michele Horrigan and Rachel Pafe will give brief reflections followed by a critical group discussion concerning the project's issues, efficacy and relevance. The public is invited to take part in this dynamic dialogue.

 (Giant Step Publication Launch 1)