What Time is Love?


Participating artists: Nancy Clayton, Ntiense Eno-Amooquaye, Nick Fenn, Christian Ovonlen, Andre Williams, Dawn Wilson, Clifton Wright

Launched in the summer of 2023 What Time is Love? is an ongoing programme of conversations with artists from the Intoart Studio hosted by Flat Time House. What Time is Love? invites the group of seven artists to use Flat Time House as a space to reflect, talk about their practice and think about where they want to go next.

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Conversations will develop over a period of two years to share ideas, approaches and to think upon the artist’s role in society. As well as engaging with Flat Time House’s exhibition programme, participating artists will interact with documents from the John Latham archive and artworks from the John Latham collection held on-site. Latham described Flat Time House as a ‘Living Sculpture’ and this long-term residency is a key way in which the house as a site for reflective and intuitive thought can be activated. Key to this is Latham’s concept of the ‘Incidental Person’, which he created as an alternative to the term ‘artist’. It refers to a person working intuitively outside of conventional structures, ways of thinking or defined outcomes. The programme will also consider the relevance of artist collections, including the Intoart collection, as sites of inspiration and criticality.

What Time is Love? will culminate in an exhibition and series of events at Flat Time House in 2025.

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Intoart is a pioneering visual arts organisation based in Peckham, South London championing its founding vision for people with learning disabilities to be visible, equal, and established artists and designers. Intoart houses over 5,000 artworks in its Collection. The Intoart Collection is a publicly accessible loaning resource for researchers, curators, galleries and museums comprising a physical and digital archive of original artworks made over the past 23 years in the Intoart Studio.
