Patrick Staff:
Mental Effort Before Action 1-5a-5b
24 July 2013 7pm at the South London Gallery
Patrick Staff presents an experimental dance work exploring the intersections of play and performance, learning and re-enactment.

Continuing the concerns of his collaborative work with Olivia Plender in The Mental Furniture Industry - an exhibition of historical and contemporary radical pedagogies at Flat Time House - Patrick Staff presents an experimental dance work. The video installation, entitled What I You See Know, by Patrick Staff and Olivia Plender in The Mental Furniture Industry explores the process of learning with educational objects and tools through workshops with dancers, students and children.
Patrick Staff's solo presentation at the South London Gallery extends this theme through an experiment in re-performing a dance score written in the dance notation system Labanotation developed by Rudolf Laban. The score are rehearsed and performed by a group of dancers with varying levels of knowledge of Labanotation, exploring a process of group learning while negotiating between the authority of the original and its reconstitution. Presented as a public experiment, or a form of open rehearsal, the performance seeks to inquire into the slippages that occur when attempting to activate, restore or re-enact historic materials.
Presented by Flat Time House in collaboration with the South London Gallery.
£5 / £3 (conc) pounds, Clore Studio. Booking is essential. Book online at the South London Gallery website or call 020 7703 6120.

still: What I You See Know (2013) Olivia Plender & Patrick Staff

still: What I You See Know (2013) Olivia Plender & Patrick Staff

Chewing Gum For the Social Body, Tate Modern, 2012, courtesy of the artist