by Noa Latham
NOIT is a creative journal published by Flat Time House. Comprising new writing and visual contributions, NOIT explores the theoretical concerns and artwork of John Latham (1921–2006), and their continued relevance.
The fourth edition, NOIT — 4 Reflections, is dedicated to writing by Noa Latham on his father’s art and ideas. It provides one of the most comprehensive overviews of John Latham’s cosmology printed to date and combines a decades long critical investigation into his fathers work with intimate account of their time together.
NOIT — 4 Reflections is in a new larger format and full colour. It is available for £18

NOIT — 4 Reflections begins with a Memoir that serves as a framework for the other contents. This starts out with sporadic childhood memories and then turns to a more sustained discussion of Noa’s growing involvement with his father’s ideas and their contrasting approaches as artist and philosopher. The second essay, Story of the RIO, is an account of one of Latham’s central works and its connections with all the main themes of his worldview. It also traces the history of this work and tries to solve a mystery about its title. The third and longest essay provides an interpretation and critical reflections on Latham’s ideas about media and his worldview, pointing to ways in which these ideas can be discerned in his art.
Lastly, there is a transcription of a taped conversation from 1981 that provides details of Latham’s early work and the transitions he made from oil painting to spray painting to assemblage, to film, and beyond. In addition to these essays the publication is linked to further materials that can be found on the FTHo website.

Noa (left) with John Latham at the Josh Bear Gallery, 1989
About the Author
Noa Latham, son of John Latham and Barbara Steveni, was born in 1952. He studied mathematics, music and philosophy, and moved to the US in 1981. He is currently Associate Professor of philosophy at the University of Calgary. He writes on fundamentality, space and time, laws of nature, causation, the mind-body problem, consciousness, free will, and meditation.

Design by Sally Fairbrass
Book Launch:
Friday 7 September 4-6pm
Part of Table Share London Art Book Fair, Whitechapel Gallery
A shared table for invited artists and independent publishers. Each publisher shares the table with another for 2 – 3 hour time slots throughout the duration of the book fair.
Publishers include:
AND, Behind the X, Chelsea Space, Common Books, Copy Press, Flat Time House, Clare Gasson, Independents United, Keep it Complex, LCBA, Sara Mackillop, Mörel Books, Oh, OOMK, PrintRoom, Publication Studio, Setsuko, Test Centre, The Everyday Press, We are Publication.
About NOIT
NOIT is a creative journal published by Flat Time House. Comprising new writing and visual contributions, NOIT explores the theoretical concerns and artwork of John Latham (1921–2006), and their continued relevance. The title of the journal, NOIT comes from Latham’s reversal of the suffix ‘-tion’ which transforms verbs into nouns. Its inversion ‘noit’ suggests a transformation of nouns into verbs, a shift from talk about objects to talk about events. ‘Noit’ can also be read as ‘no it’, the sign of an activity that ‘defies its own definition by denying the validity of any given definition’ (John Latham, 1970). Flat Time House (FTHo) is a gallery, archive and space for education and residencies in Latham’s former home and studio.

The London Art Book Fair 2018
6 – 9 September 2018
For four exciting days, over eighty creative and cutting-edge publishers transform the Whitechapel Gallery. Discover a vibrant mix of art books and magazines from around the world and take part in collaborative workshops, publisher-led seminars and family friendly activities; there is something for everyone at the London Art Book Fair.

77-82 Whitechapel High St, London E1 7QX
Resources accompanying the publication can be found here