Thursday 17th May, 7-9:30pm


Film screening including film and video works by Betsy Bromberg, Holly Pester & Jenny Moore, Carolee Schneemann and Sheffield Film Co-op

Programmed by Beth Bramich & Kathryn Siegel


A screening programme of feminist film and video on the theme of affective and reproductive labour. The programme Bramich and Siegel have put together results from discussions at the Bad Vibes Club reading group over the last six months. In particular, two sessions focussing on Julia Kristeva's 'Women’s Time' and the writing of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick have influenced this selection. The works programmed explore different forms of labour through poetry, song and experimental and documentary film and will be presented in 16mm film and digital video.

Places are free but very limited.

Email [email protected] to book your place. 

Carolee Schneemann, Still from Plumb Line (1968-72). Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York (LOVE, LABOUR, LOSS 0)

Carolee Schneemann, Still from Plumb Line (1968-72). Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York


Carolee Schneemann’s “Plumb Line” (15’)

A Question of Choice (1982) by the Sheffield Film Co-op (18')

Betsy Bromberg’s “Ciao, Bella or Fuck Me Dead” (13’)

Burn (2016) by Holly Pester & Jenny Moore, from Holly Pester's record 'Common Rest' (5')


Flat Time House is hosting The Bad Vibes Club in 2017-18, a forum for research into negative states, founded by Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau in 2014. From April to June 2018 the group have programmed a series of events to take place at FTHo.

Events include artists' film screening and discussion, critical discussion, live action role playing, a dinner event, and the launch of the Bad Vibes Club's new publication. Events are with Sophie Mallett, Hamish Macpherson & Adam James, Beth Bramich & Kathryn Siegel, Residence Kitchen and the Bad Vibes Club. All events free, but places are limited.

With thanks to LUX, London, and Cinenova Distribution.