Incidental People is a week long event at Flat Time House organised by Joanne Tatham with students from the Royal College of Art MA Sculpture programme.

The week will culminate at Flat Time House with a presentation of ‘propositional artworks’ from the participating artists: Oisin O’Brien, Hannah Schmutterer, Meriel Clarke, Tristan Pigott, Audrey Roger, Syed Zaman, Sasha Cherkasova, Dolly Kershaw, Clara Pereda, Federico Piccolo, Flore Mycek, Lucy Bird, Oliver Collins and Georgia Adams.

Royal College of Art Work in progress Show 2017: School of Arts and Humanities, Sculpture (Incidental People 0)

Royal College of Art Work in progress Show 2017: School of Arts and Humanities, Sculpture

Latham used the term ‘incidental person’ to articulate his conception of the artist as ‘a person who stands at some distance from events and who is capable of reflecting upon them critically and reaching insights by means of intuition.’ With a visit to The Warburg Institute to to learn about Aby Warburg’s taxonomies of knowledge and his Bilderatlas Mnemosyne, and a performance workshop on Bob Cobbing and John Latham with long-standing People Show member Gareth Brierley, the project offers a series of disruptions and digressions on the nature of sculpture and its purpose and place in the world.

Thanks to Gareth Bell-Jones, Gareth Brierley, Will Cobbing, Karen Di Franco, Neil Parkinson and Claudia Wedepohl.