Antiknow Performance #3:
Anthony Iles & Eve Lear 'this is the chariot, the ring, the circle... an infidel heteroglossia'
19 December 2013 6.30pm
Drawing on the convulsive cultures of the dance battle, human mic, ring shout, dancehall or radio MC, Anthony Iles and Eve Lear will present an address to and within an imagined circle. Through reading, listening and dancing, visitors will be invited to enter and manifest this circle, which will encompass sound and moving image material, outernationalist currents, unorthodox moves, diverse social form, the working out of our interminable present and its radical mediations.
Anthony Iles is a writer of criticism, fiction and theory. He currently is assistant editor of Mute, a project coordinator of the Post-Media Lab at Leuphana University and an Associate Researcher at the UDK Graduate School.
Eve Lear writes, thinks and makes stuff. She is a member of the Mental Furniture Industry Group.